Day 16 – Nov 15th 7:45 (after watch)

Feeling Blue

We are flying! Making good speed and in the right direction. We currently have our Code 2 Spinnaker up and making near record 24h mileage of just under 300nm. We have been the fastest boat in the fleet yesterday (over a 6h period). Our aim is to make it to Fremantle in time to go to the prize-giving ceremony on the 26th (and more importantly the party thereafter). So we are constantly measuring how many miles we have to cut of our distance to the finish each day and trying to beat this number – and the last couple of days we have been successful. And the further outlook is also good – at least up to the weekend (I just worked through the weather files earlier today).

As the other boats seem out of reach, we are racing mostly against the clock. Our only chance for some additional points will be the Ocean sprint. I hope expect that we will reach the starting latitude for this on Sunday or Monday.

With already over 3000nm on the log and about 2600nm more to go, this has become a very long race. However, with the current weather conditions it is fun and I hope the forecasts hold true and we keep this weather for a bit longer. It adds to the nice atmosphere on board and also makes cooking easier for the bistro chefs (fka mothers) – i.e. we had some really good food in the last days!

Late night addition:

I just came of the night watch (23:00 – 03:00). It was a real treat. How often does one get the chance to sail a yacht with the spinnaker up under a starlit sky in over 25kts of wind – surfing down black waves and getting a proper workout.

Helming was quite hard work and required full concentration (“don’t talk to the driver”), therefore we did at maximum 30 min per person at the helm at one time.

You can imagine the concentration you need to manoeuvre and negotiate every wave maybe if you compare it to drive through a busy inner city — at 80 km/h 🙂

P.S.: I know I have some keen followers in Italy – thanks for your support – if you look South-Southeast (146 degrees) I’m here just 5904 nm away waving to you!

2 thoughts on “Day 16 – Nov 15th 7:45 (after watch)

  • Lieber Nic, ich verfolge Deine Reise mit großer Freude. Gerade gesehen, Garmin liegt gleich auf mit den Mitkombatanten. Drücke die Daumen für den Etappensieg. Die Fahrt nach Fremantle ist schon verdammt lang. Bringt großen Spaß Deine Blogeinträge zu lesen und es freut mich, dass es Dir bei allen Strapazen offensichtlich sehr gut geht. Weiterhin viel Glück! Grüße aus dem winterlichen München. Herzliche Grüße Jan

    • Sehr verspätet – aber viele Dank für deinen Kommentar Jan-Gilbert. Ist freut mich immer Kommentare zu bekommen und zu sehen, dass meine Blogs auch gelesen werden. Mittlerweile sind wir in Qingdao, und nun liegt eine der großen Herausforderungen vor uns: der Nordpazifik! Ich denke da werden ein paar neue spannende Post zusammenkommen.

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